Bank Referrals

Fordham Capital Partners provides non-traditional financing for small and mid-size companies that fall outside the parameters of traditional business loans. Both Fordham and the bank cooperate for the benefit of the bank’s customer. Frequently, a business whose requirements cannot be satisfied through conventional lending practices will be a candidate for Fordham. Fordham would serve as an interim lender until the bank is prepared to renew the lending relationship.

Companies who no longer qualify for traditional bank financing create a dilemma for their bankers. A rejection of the bank customer will deprive the bank of the depository relationship and potentially cause the permanent loss of the customer. Fordham provides the banker with an alternative to a “turn down” and enables an interim solution for its customer’s needs while also preventing the loss of a customer. A partnership with Fordham promotes continuity of relationship even in very difficult circumstances.

Financing programs from Fordham also offer other significant benefits to bankers and their customers.

For the customer, capital that is not available from a bank may be found through Fordham. In the process, bank and customer relationships are strengthened and the potential for future bank financing remains.

Fordham financing programs can help bridge the gap for those companies unable to obtain traditional financing until they are able to do so and without disrupting valued banking relationships. To partner with Fordham, contact us today.